Social Media Etiquette
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School offers students the opportunity to learn and develop a variety of practical computer skills. Using the school's computer equipment and software is a privilege. The following are usage guidelines to ensure that students respect the school's property, computers, software and access to the Internet.
Select from the following links to learn more:
Computer/ Chrome Book Usage
Proper treatment and maintenance of the lab equipment is important so that students have access to reliable, safe equipment. If students misuse the school's computers or chrome books, their computer privileges may be revoked. All students have their own unique login and password. Logins and passwords should not be shared or used by anyone else.
When using the school computers/chrome books and Internet access, students may:
Research for a particular assignment
Explore legitimate career interests
Enrich topics being studied in your class
Students may not:
Use computers/ chrome books for commercial uses (buying/selling/advertising)
Access sites that provide essays, term papers, etc. for the purpose of academic dishonesty
Access sites that are inappropriate (that promote hate, racism, sexism, pornography, etc.) If an inappropriate site opens inadvertently, you should notify a staff member immediately.
Enter into DOS or File Management Programs without specific instructions from a teacher
Enter into any program without permission
Use any proxy server to bypass network security or internet filtering
Use equipment (scanner, video, robotics, digital camera, etc.) without permission from a teacher
Install software on any computer at the school
Willfully or carelessly damage school equipment
Produce inappropriate material
Tamper with other students' files
Print, for purposes other than those related to class projects
Social Media Etiquette
St. Thomas Aquinas holds special presentations on social media etiquette. Recent presentations include tips for using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media sites responsibly. Students are informed on the risks involved and safety procedures to think about while using social media sites. You can learn more about using Facebook responsibly by reading our Facebook 101 Privacy Tips.
Bullying & Cyberbullying
Bullying is a form of repeated, persistent, and aggressive behaviour directed at an individual or individuals that is intended to cause fear and distress and/or harm to another person's body, feelings, self-esteem, or reputation. Bullying occurs in a context where there is a real or perceived power imbalance. Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs over the Internet through email, social media sites and more.
Bullying prevention and intervention is a shared community responsibility. The PVNC Catholic District School Board requires all its Catholic schools to use bullying prevention and intervention strategies, which foster a positive learning and teaching environment so all students can achieve their full potential. You can read the Board's anti-bullying policy or the Parent Guide to Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats for additional information.
If you have a concern related to bullying, report it to the student's teacher and/or Principal. Bullying and any form of harassment at STACSS will not be tolerated. Expected behaviours are outlined below:
Expected Behaviour
A positive school environment reflects a Christian community based on Christ as a model.
Reasons for Expected Behaviour
Every individual has a right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Every individual has the right to be free from intimidation and harassment
Any form of harassment or intimidation, whether verbal, on-line, written or physical is unacceptable.
Consequences for Misbehaviour
Incidents and allegations will be automatically reported to the Principal.
Following an investigation of the allegation, the following steps may be taken:
Parental/guardian contact
Referral to counselling
Police involvement