Exams at STA - Parent Information
2023 - 2024 School Year
Wednesday, June 19th - Grade 12 ONLY -
P4 Exam 12:20 pm
Thursday, June 20th, Period 1 Exam 9:00 am
Friday, June 21st, Period 2 Exam 9:00 am
Monday June 24th, Period 3 Exam 9:00 am
Tuesday, June 25th, Period 4 Exam 9:00 am
Students to refer to Google Classroom for Shape of the Day
Students to be in full uniform and in class by 9:00 am
Buses will run on regular time schedules
Students who remain at school following exam will stay in cafeteria supervised until bus home time
Cafeteria services will not be open during exams
Students to refer to Google Classroom for
Shape of Day and Exam Expectations
Exam Dates: January 26 - February 1st, 2024
Exam schedule:
January 26th Period 1 Exam 9:00 AM
January 29th Period 2 Exam 9:00 AM
January 30th Period 3 Exam 9:00 AM
January 31st Period 4 Exam 9:00 AM
February 1st Alternate Exam day 9:00 AM
February 2nd PA Day
February 5th Semester 2 begins
Our exams are from January 26th to February 1st. Students with exams are obligated to be
at school to complete them on their scheduled exam day. Our school will not accommodate
vacations or appointments as we expect these to be made outside of this time.
Important Notes:
1. Bussing during exam times are regular times. Student exams are 1.5 hours for grades 9 and 10
and 2 hours in length for grades 11 and 12. Some students may be granted extra time. Students
who remain at school for bussing home will be supervised in the cafeteria for the remainder of
the day.
2. Students who do not have exams are not permitted to be at school without prearrangement
with their teacher. If students plan on being in the building to work on credit rescue or
completion of culminating tasks, it must be pre-arranged with their teacher as they will be
supervised in the cafeteria for the day.
3. Cafeteria services will not be open during exams.
4. Students must be in full uniform to write exams.
What happens should school transportation be cancelled due to inclement weather during exam
The exam will be written on the following day and subsequent exams move forward 1 day.
Scenario A
January 26th Snow Day-no buses
January 29th Period 1 Exam 9:00 AM
January 30th Period 2 Exam 9:00 AM
January 31st Period 3 Exam 9:00 AM
February 1st Period 4 Exam day 9:00 AM
February 2nd PA Day
Scenario B (What if there are 2 Snow Days?)
If there are two snow days then Period 3 and Period 4 exams will be written on
February 2nd. Period 3 Exam at 9:00 AM and Period 4 Exam at 12:00 PM.
See attached link for Exam Shape of the Day details: