Daily Covid Assessment Form
September 2022
If you are unsure and want to check your status, please use this government link to self-screen:
Video on How to complete Covid Assessment forms via
PVNCCDSB website
January 14, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On Wednesday, the Minister of Education announced that schools will return to in-person learning Monday, January 17. We are pleased that STA will be transitioning back to in-person learning. In preparation for this transition, the Director of Education sent out an important informational email to all parents Wednesday afternoon. In this letter, I wish to share some school-specific information.
All students attending school in-person must self-screen every day before attending school. We are required to validate screening daily.
Students -remember your Chromebooks, books, lunches and tools needed
Semester 2 final report cards will be released the week of February 7.
Beginning January 17, for a two-week period, all students are encouraged to stay at school for lunch to minimize exposure. We ask students to be diligent in following our proper mask protocols in all areas of our school building including busses.
Daily Schedule
8:43-8:58 Arrival of Students (Walking and Ride)
8:58 Warning Bell
9:03-10:18 Opening Exercises & Period 1
10:22-11:37 Period 2
11:37-12:17 Lunch
12:20-1:35 Period 3
1:39-2:53 Period 4
Grade 12 Students on Study/Spare and/or E-Learning
You attend school every day.
Period 1 Study or E-Learning. Arrive for the start of the day and work in the Learning Commons or work from home and arrive in time to report directly to Period 2.
Period 2 or 3 Study or E-Learning. Work in the Learning Commons.
Period 4 Study or E-Learning. Work in the Learning Commons or leave immediately after Period 3 to work at home.
To Start the Day
How do you feel? Complete the Provincial COVID School Screening https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/ and record your attestation at http://pvn.cc/stsca. (Use this link if you are having trouble with your Google Account.)
To submit you have to be logged into your student PVNC Gmail Account.
Feel good? Prepare for school.
Don’t feel well?
Do not attend school.
Report absence to the school office at (705) 878-4117.
Follow directions for when you may return to school given by the screening: COVID-19 school screening
Get Ready for Your Scheduled Day:
Dress for school – STA school uniform.
Ensure you have clean, reusable face masks.
Pack all the food you will need for the day – lunch, snacks, water….
Pack any technology you plan to use: Chromebook, laptop, and appropriate charger…
Ensure you have submitted your screening attestation before you board your school bus or enter the school building.
Arrive at School
Doors open at 8:43 a.m.
Students enter through the Main Entrance doors
Entrance to the school requires physical distancing.
Put your face mask on before entering.
Use hand sanitizer at the door.
Go directly to your classroom.
There is no loitering or visiting in the hallways.
Movement in the Halls and Stairwells
Masks must be worn.
Walk in the directional flow of each hallway and staircase.
Walk to the right and remain 2 meters apart.
Keep moving to your destination.
40-minute lunch (11:37 a.m. – 12:17 p.m.)
Students are encouraged NOT to leave during lunch.
.End of Day and Exit:
At the end of the day:
Pack up all your belongings.
Exit the building at the bell.
You exit using the stairwell and outside the door closest to your classroom.
Respect social distancing and traffic flow arrows.
Use hand sanitizer at the exit.
Keep your face mask on until you are out of the building and appropriately distanced from others. Masks must be properly worn at all times on school transportation.
If you are waiting for a ride, wait outside, and all physical distancing rules and expectations remain in place.
Enjoy your evening and get a good rest.
Please remember the board website (www.pvnccdsb.on.ca) is a rich source of information with many important links.
We had a strong start to this school year and a successful fall from September to December. Omicron has changed the narrative for now, but we are hoping this is short-lived. Our key focus as we return to in-person learning must be to mitigate risk and keep students and staff healthy.
This will continue to hinge upon our willingness to work together while maintaining key safety practices:
Completing the Provincial COVID Screening daily and following its direction when staying home is indicated;
Physical distancing as much as possible;
Wearing a mask properly;
Washing hands frequently;
Coughing or sneezing into a sleeve.
St Thomas Aquinas is a great community. I am confident we can continue to work together to transform these latest challenges into solid learning opportunities while remaining faithful.
Thank you for your ongoing support, patience and faith in St Thomas Aquinas.
Wayne Clark
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
260 Angeline Street South
Lindsay, Ontario
K9V 0J8
T:705-878-4117 / F: 705-878-4059