Exam Expectations
June 2023
Exams will be written for specified Grade 11 and 12 courses.
Exam requirements vary. Teachers communicate a course's evaluation breakdown to students at the beginning of each course.
Some courses may not require a final exam, and a final project, presentation or essay may be assigned instead. For courses that do not set an exam, the final mark is made up of 70% term work and 30 % from a culminating task. Reporting to parents occurs three times each semester using a progress report along with formal mid term and final report cards.
Writing Exams
Exams are usually scheduled at the end of January and at the end of June. Exam dates are published well in advance.
Students are expected to be present for all portions of their summative evaluations, including exams and culminating tasks.
Family holidays should not be scheduled during exam times.
To ensure the integrity of examinations, students are expected to write exams within the designated time schedule.
All students must be in full uniform on exam days.
A medical note is required if a scheduled exam or mid-term is missed due to illness.
Plagiarism is the act of taking the ideas or words of another and presenting them as your own. Cheating is using another source to assist you in completing a test/exam.
Expected Behaviour
Students are expected to develop their skills and abilities to the fullest.
Students should act morally and legally, accept accountability for their actions and contribute to the common good.
When a student fails to put forth the effort required to complete tests and assignments using his or her own abilities, these skills cannot be developed and the aim of the course is undermined.
When a student plagiarizes, he or she not only cheats others, but also himself or herself.
Responsibilities of the Teacher
Provide students with information about what constitutes plagiarism and cheating.
Endeavour to incorporate process assessment where applicable.
Monitor the steps in the assignment process to ensure work is being done.
Send home a copy of the plagiarism/cheating policy for parents to sign.
Responsibilities of the Student
Ensure the plagiarism/cheating policy is signed by parent or guardian- assignment will not be accepted without student's and parent's signatures.
Complete the steps of the assignment process and submit all rough work.
Compete all assignments on time, with care, and without copying the work of another.
Submit all major assignments on computer disc along with a hard copy of the assignment.
The onus of proof will be on the student to verify that his or her assignment is the result of his or her efforts alone.
Consequences for Misbehaviour
The student will be given a mark of zero on the assignment.
The student's parents will be informed by the teacher.
If the skills being assessed in the assignment the student plagiarizes or cheats on will not be assess again in a later unit, the student will be required to resubmit the assignment to demonstrate mastery of the material. If the student does not resubmit the assignment, the student's credit may be in jeopardy if he or she cannot demonstrate mastery of the course material. This resubmitted assignment will receive comments but no summative evaluation.
If the assignment is a culminating task, he or she cannot receive the credit because he or she has not demonstrated mastery of course content nor has the student fulfilled the requirement of the course. This resubmitted assignment will receive comments but no summative evaluation.
If two students submit identical assignments, both will face the above-mentioned consequences.
The second time a student plagiarizes, he/she will be given a mark of zero on the assignment and may receive a one day suspension.
Cheating is using another source to assist you in completing a test or exam. Cheating on a test or an exam will result in a mark of zero % on the test or exam.