Religion and Family Life

Religion and Family Life

At St. Thomas Aquinas, the religious dimension of learning is a distinct feature within the school curriculum. We recognize that a Catholic religious education plays a vital role in enabling our young people to gain the knowledge & skills necessary to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society. However, we take great care and responsibility in offering our students the academic, spiritual & reflective opportunities through a Catholic education that will shape them to be positive, caring, and intelligent Faith- filled participants in our world.

Each course we offer provides our students with the abilities to meet all academic demands: students develop knowledge, thinking, research and communication skills while developing their religious awareness. Ultimately, we believe an education in faith enables students to build relationships with others & God, while being able to appreciate their own spiritual journey and their role as citizens in the world we live in.

Staff Contact: Peter Bagnall